Wednesday 25 April 1990
15 photos
25th April 1990.
Odell goes finish.
I took Odell to Port Moresby for her flight to LHR via Singapore.
Wednesday 25 April 1990
15 photos
25th April 1990.
Odell goes finish.
I took Odell to Port Moresby for her flight to LHR via Singapore.
Wednesday 25 July 1990
29 photos
25th July 1990
Met Odell in Port Moresby from her flight from LHR via Singapore
Saturday 1 September 1990
15 photos
1st September 1990.
I took Odell to Port Moresby for her flight to LHR via Singapore.
28 photos
51 photos
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52 photos
9 photos
34 photos
56 photos
68 photos
23 photos
Read about Salamaua (Opens in a new window)
22 photos
5 photos
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12 photos
15 photos
23 photos
42 photos